Tuesday, October 30

November Sale

Well, if you have been curious as to where I have been and what I have been up to, here it is. Starting Wednesday, Nov 1, every item in my shop is 20% off. Everything. The entire month. I sent out a bazillion postcards, (front and back shown above) and had so much fun designing them. I think that is what I truly enjoy about my little Internet store. The designing, packaging, layouts. It is all very enjoyable. (which is a damn good thing, cause I really don't make very much!) Anyway.. here are a few pics of new items, but plenty more abound.. peeks will be posted every now again, and I'll always post new items here before I put them in my shop. Because most everything is vintage or antique, quantities are limited and so is my time. I am still raising a family through all this. Well, trying anyways..


Anke Martin said...

Hi Abbie! Sounds like you are a busy bee! Enjoy designing, packaging and layouting! I can tell you like it, your labels are always outstanding. Will take a pick in your store later.

Anke Martin said...

Always those writing mistakes.....I ment peek in your store...oh well ;)

Junie Moon said...

Everything looks lovely and I especially love the way you pay attention to the details such as the packaging which elevates everything to a superb presentation level.