Tuesday, November 21


Sometimes it takes alittle bit of perspective to bring us back to reality. Yeah, I feel crappy most of the day, but I am alive. I am healthy. I am bringing new life into the world. I can play with my children and I can run up two flights of stairs without stopping, or I can just sit and relax. My life is blessed and yet why do we, (yes, 'we', because 'we' all do it every now and again) forget to count our blessings? Sometimes just being able to wake up in the morning is a blessing. Think about it, alot of people DON'T wake up. I have a cold. yep. On top of the all day morning sickness. But that's OK. I don't have toxemia, or maleria, or the plague. I am actually pretty good. Sometimes we need to step out and take a peek into our lives. Mine is pretty soft. I get to stay home with my children, live in a nice home, buy treats every now and again. I am very blessed. My family is healthy, my husband is my best friend and I love him dearly (and I KNOW the feelings are reciprocated). I am counting my blessings. I have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving and I'm starting early to take stock in my life. Perhaps we should have Thanksgiving everyday...


Anonymous said...

Amen to that!

Anonymous said...

You are so right. We should have everyday Thanksgiving and be thankful what we have. It happens so fast that loved persons are gone. That's my bigest fear to loose close family members. But that is life and Yes I need to appreciate all that I have more too. The house stress just makes it more difficult to see how lucky I'm having my great family, friends and support from them. Thanks for reminding me again! I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving, a great day together and that your cold is getting better soon!

Willie Baronet said...

Amen. There is nothing like seeing people in real poverty to jar me back to how thankful I am. :-)